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Developer research webinars by experts

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Developer Program Leaders Forum | Presentation, Discussion | Data-powered strategic decisions/DevRel
Developer Program Leaders Forum | Presentation, Discussion | Data-powered strategic decisions/DevRel
Developer Program Leaders Forum #1: Meeting Challenges and Scaling Sustainably in 2023 After the Developer Program Leaders survey closed, we want to offer you and the rest of the community access to data, allowing for data-backed decisions to make your developer program aligned with developers’ priorities and make them want to keep coming back! What is covered in this session: 00:00-02:10 Introduction 02:11-02:39 Data underpin the strategy to measuring success in developer relations 02:40-03:24 KPIs in developer Relations, marketing & tooling 03:25-04:19 Data literacy in Developer Relations 04:20-05:09 DevRel activities that take the most budget time or effort 05:10-05:16 4 in 10 DevRel practitioners face challenges in acquiring or using data 05:17-06:27 Main challenges for developer relations 06:28-07:35 Addressing developer research needs 07:36-08:03 How DevRel practitioners segment developers 08:04-09:59 Key highlights 10:00-48:04 Q&A and Forum Discussion Want more? Join our DevRelX community and stay in the loop! A special shout out to our Community Partners who helped spread the word about the survey, and our Forum experts who shared their insights with us: Katie Miller, Director, Developer Marketing, Slack Wesley Faulkner. Sr. Community Manager, AWS Yuri Santana, Developer Relations Advocate, Fonoster Vera Tiago, Manager, Developer Advocacy, OutSystems Kamran Ayub, DevTool Onboarding Specialist, Lovely DevEd
The state of blockchain development | Developer Research | State of the Developer Nation Report
The state of blockchain development | Developer Research | State of the Developer Nation Report
In this short session, we present the latest insights available on blockchain development from the latest edition of our free State of the Developer Nation Report. The topics we will discuss: - How are developers involved with blockchain technologies? - Regional engagement with blockchain technologies -How does experience affect engagement with blockchain applications? - The most dominant blockchain platforms You can download the full free report here: For more insights, we also just published a premium report. See the preview: Contact us: 00:00 - 00:24 Introduction 00:24 - 01:34 ABout SlashData 01:35 - 04:10 How are developers involved with blockchain technologies? 04:11 - 07:28 Regional engagement with blockchain technologies 07:29 - 09:41 How does experience affect engagement with blockchain applications? 09:42 - 12:42 Dominant blockchain platforms 12:43 - 14:39 A couple of questions 14:40 - 16:18 More insights
Making your developer community work for you and for your developers | Developer Program Leaders
Making your developer community work for you and for your developers | Developer Program Leaders
In this session, we look at the results of the 9th Developer Program Leaders survey and look at how you can make the best of your developer community, both for the developers and your organisation. Join the DevRelX community: FInd out more about Developer Program Leaders: Introduction Community is important to developers Why developers join communities Developers' career aspirations Community is at least a key part of strategy for more than two-thirds of developer program leaders More than a third of developer program leaders work directly in community management Communities size Driving community engagement
SlashData Sessions | Developers' expectations from employers
SlashData Sessions | Developers' expectations from employers
What makes developers leave their job? What would make them stay? It's questions like these that we will be answering today, along with Richard Muir, SlashData Data Journalist. Chapters: Intro 00:08 Intro 00:38 What SlashData does 01:35 What would make developers leave their employer 01:56 Key insights 02:28 Developers consider short- and long-term success when deciding to change employers 02:30 Half of developers would change company for better pay, but a third aren't financially motivated 05:46 Eastern European developers are the most concerned with compensations 05:52 Eastern European developers feel underpaid and better benefits will not help 09:27 Experienced developers are the most content in their jobs 09:33 Compensation becomes more important as developers gain experience 11:40 Key insights
Who is using low-code and no-code tools? | SlashData Lightning Session
Who is using low-code and no-code tools? | SlashData Lightning Session
This is a lightning Session from developer analysts at SlashData. We focus on low-code and no-code tools, who is using them and how LCNC usage changes with experience and region. You can download the full chapter on our free State of the Developer Nation (22nd Edition) report here: 00:00 - 01:31 Who is SlashData 01:31 - 02:29 What are low code/no-code tools 02:30 - 04:03 LCNC tools usage for professional and non-professional developers 04:04 - 05:12 Reliance on LCNC drops with increased experience 05:13 - 06:29 LCNC usage by region 06:30 - 07:44 Summary & Conclusions
SlashData Sessions | Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science developers & their data
SlashData Sessions | Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science developers & their data
In this session, we look into Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Data Scientists and the data they work with. The results shown come from our latest Q1 2021 survey wave and the responses of 19,000+ developers. What you will learn - Types of data that ML/AI/Data Scientists work with - How many ML/AI/Data Scientists work on each type - Which types are frequently used together - The professional / hobbyist/student mix in the ML/AI/Data Scientists data ecosystem - Industry application areas for different data types - The size of unstructured training data ML/AI/Data Scientists use - Key insights Discover more data-driven sessions at Are you a developer or creator? The Developer Nation survey is now live. Have your say and shape the way the world understands developers here:
[SlashData Sessions] The inside view on running a Developer Program | Developer Program Leaders 2Q21
[SlashData Sessions] The inside view on running a Developer Program | Developer Program Leaders 2Q21
The Developer Program Leaders survey is now live! Have your say and access the results and exclusive swag here: In this session, you will access direct insights on how professionals run their developer program. We will look into the data from our latest Developer Program Leaders survey and the responses of 96+ developer marketing, relations, advocacy or evangelism professionals. We asked them what they do all day, how they measure success and more. Session content and chapters: 00:00 - Intro & Who is SlashData 02:02 - The Developer Program Benchmarking 03:20 - The size of developer programs 04:58 - What do developer relations practitioners do all day? 06:12 - Money talks - Justifying your developer program 08:41 - Measuring success 10:46 - Segmentation and strategy 13:36 - COVID-19 Impact on Developer Programs 16:06 - Google dominates, but Amazon wins big 15:23 - Developer Program Benchmarking – Industry leaders & preview
[Slashdata Webinar] Segmenting Developers into personas
[Slashdata Webinar] Segmenting Developers into personas
Mankind is diverse, so are developers. Developers come in all shapes and sizes. Whether you group them by the technologies they use, their coding background, their professional status, their demographics or their motivations, the conclusion is the same. The developer population is not a single homogeneous mass that may be expected to behave in a coherent way. Homogeneity comes with proper segmentation How do you effectively target your marketing efforts when your developer audience is so diverse? The answer lies with segmentation. To maximise return on your outreach efforts you need to segment the developer population into homogeneous groups that are more likely to respond to your outreach messaging. Meet the developer personas: 1. The Young Learner 2. The Young Professional 3. The Emerging Extender 4. The Middle Standard 5. The Seasoned Decision Maker 6. The Inexperienced Loner What will you learn: A. If and how developer marketing leaders use segmentation as part of their outreach efforts B. How to create homogeneous segments that do not overlap C. Pros and Cons of segmenting per specific criteria Presented by Christina Voskoglou , Director of Research, /Data Christina is responsible for all /Data’s research products and heads the analyst and product teams. With more than 20 years of experience in data science, data mining, BI and CRM design, she leads all research for /Data, from planning and methodology, survey design, and data analysis, to insights generation and research commercialisation. Christina is also behind /Data’s outcome-based developer segmentation model and is the leading /Data researcher in Machine Learning and Data Science. Who we are /Data - The analyst of the developer economy We help top 100 technology firms understand the profile of developer communities and measure the ROI of their developer strategies. As an analyst firm, we survey 40,000+ developers annually and analyse that data to help our clients target the right developers, prioritise the right features for their products, and optimise their marketing budget to drive developer engagement and satisfaction. Want to be notified for future webinars? Fill-in this form: You can find more resources like this at our Developer marketing and DevRel portal:

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