About this Report
This CI/CD Market Landscape Report focuses only on the managed CI/CD services and looks at which vendor offerings developers are currently using and how satisfied they are with these products. The report also explores what criteria developers are using to choose CI/CD solutions, how likely they are to recommend the products, and how the usage of different CI/CD services overlaps.
Key Questions Answered
Which managed CI/CD services are developers aware of, which are they currently using and which have they abandoned?
Which product attributes do developers consider to be most important when they select a CI/CD service?
Why do developers adopt and why do they reject specific CI/CD products?
How satisfied are developers with each CI/CD service?
How likely are developers to recommend the CI/CD products that they are currently using?
How do the user profiles of the leading CI/CD services compare?

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Data for the report comes from the 26th edition of our Developer Nation survey, which ran in Q1 2024 and reached over 10,000 developers worldwide. Of these global respondents, over 1,300 developers answered survey questions regarding managed CI/CD services.