About this Report
The Application Performance Monitoring Market Landscape Report looks at APM solutions that developers are currently using and how satisfied they are with these offerings. The report focusses on the criteria developers are using to choose APM offerings, which APM products they are likely to use together, and how likely they are to recommend these APM products.
Key Questions Answered
Which DevOps technologies have developers used over the past 12 months?
Which Application Performance Monitoring products are developers aware of, which are they currently using and which have they rejected?
Which attributes do developers consider most important when they select an APM tool?
Why do developers adopt and why do they reject each APM solution?
How satisfied are developers with each APM offering?
How do they score the products they use across the attributes they consider most important?
How likely are developers to recommend the APM products they are currently using?

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Data for the report comes from the 23rd edition of our Developer Nation survey, which ran between June 2022 and August 2022 and reached more than 26,000 developers from 163 countries. Of these global respondents, over 4,700 developers answered survey questions regarding APM tools.