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AI-assisted coding tools Competitive Technology Landscape Report Q1 2025

Track adoption, market share and satisfaction

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About this Report

What is the AI-assisted coding tools Competitive Technology Landscape?
In our AI-assisted coding tools Competitive Technology Landscape report, we benchmark the main competing AI-assisted coding tools based on the responses of over 1,400 developers who used these tools in the last year. We look at which vendor products and technologies developers are currently using and we measure developer satisfaction across 14 different attributes. Our analysis provides deep insights on the criteria developers use to select products and how likely they are to recommend.

Key Questions Answered

- Which technologies have DevOps developers used in their software development projects in the past 12 months? - Which AI-assisted coding tools are developers aware of, which are they currently using and which have they abandoned? -Which attributes do developers consider most important when they select an AI-assisted coding tool? - Do developers rely on a single AI-assisted coding tool, or do they use multiple? - Why do developers stop using AI-assisted coding tools? - How satisfied are developers with each AI-assisted coding tool? How do they score the tools they use across the attributes they consider most important? - How likely are developers to recommend the AI-assisted coding tools products they are currently using? - How do the user bases of the most popular AI-assisted coding tools compare to one another?

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The report is based on data collected from the 29th edition of the Developer Nation survey edition of the Developer Nation survey, a large-scale, online developer survey that was designed, hosted, and fielded by SlashData over a period of ten weeks between December 2024 and February 2025.


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