We’d like to present our latest infographic, based on the latest Developer Economics report – themed around developer tools. This infographic presents some of the key findings from the published report (which is available for download here).
72% of developers use Android, 56% use iOS – HTML is the third most popular choice among mobile developers, 50% of whom use the HTML-based set of technologies as a deployment or development platform
67% of developers are below the “app poverty line” of $500 per app per month – BlackBerry and Windows Phone lagging behind in terms of monetisation, but leading platforms also have issues. 61% of iOS and 68% of Android developers are below the poverty line
74% of developers use two or more platforms concurrently – Multi-platform offers much better monetisation potential, as developers who use more than one platform have higher revenues than those who just use one
Advertising is the most popular revenue model, used by 38% of developers – but subscriptions pay more
Ad services are reaching mass adoption for developers – 34% are using at least one ad-service tool – 90% of developers use at least one third-party tool or service, with an average of 1.47 tools used concurrently
Want to be part of the next Developer Economics? Our online survey is still live (closes May 6 2013) – have your say and claim one of our great prizes!
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