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Developer Marketing & Relations: The Essential Guide - Now available in Chinese

Writer's picture: Stathis GeorgakopoulosStathis Georgakopoulos

We’re excited to announce a brand new chapter for our Developer Marketing & Relations: The Essential Guide book.

This new chapter is not within the book’s contents, but a whole new journey as the 3rd Edition of the book is now translated and available to readers in Simplified Chinese.

You can buy the 3rd Edition in Chinese here.

The English versions are available in Paperback, Kindle and ePub.

The launch was on March 30th, at a Segment Fault event. Moschoula Kramvousanou, SlashData CEO, also shared a message with the audience.

How is SlashData involved with DevRel

For more than 17 years, at SlashData, we have been surveying developers and analysing their responses to produce insights. It's these insights that developer-focused and developer-first companies rely on to design their strategy and create products developers love.

Our goal has always been to empower developers to code the future, by sharing our data with the companies that serve them.

We believe in the people at the heart of developer empowerment: the developer marketing and developer relations (DevRel) professionals. And we do what we can to help them. That includes writing a book.

How did the Developer Marketing & Relations book happen?

We have been hosting events in Silicon Valley to bring these professionals together and discuss their challenges, strategies and how to meet developer expectations. And learn from each other. After the pandemic outbreak, these events have moved online and you can watch them here.

It was back in 2017 when discussing with professionals in Developer Relations within the world’s largest companies that the book's original editors Andreas Constantinou and Nicolas Sauvage fully recognized the fragmented nature of developer relations or DevRel - from the types of companies, the products they represented, and the knowledge of the practitioners.

There, we witnessed that the best practices were often locked behind the doors of the companies that mastered them.

We knew we wanted to work with these leaders and develop an essential guide to share this knowledge with a broader audience of developer relations, evangelists and advocates, developer marketing practitioners and beyond. We realised that Developer Relations is a hybrid role touching upon product, engineering, marketing, sales and customer support teams.

Being such a hybrid role, there is a clear lack of formalised training. You can learn about computer engineering at a university. Same with marketing and sales. But you can’t learn DevRel except by

  • Trial and error

  • Learning from more experienced professionals

What is included in the Developer Marketing and Relations: The Essential Guide

For the first edition of the book, we had Director-level upwards professionals who wrote 12 chapters on the topics each of them was an expert on. By the 3rd edition, we had 19 chapters and 24 professionals covering all the main points of Developer Relations: from developer personas, to community, to events and meeting developers where they are.

This book was the first of its kind when it first launched. A handbook on how to be successful in Developer Relations. This handbook is arranged in a way that takes you from strategic to tactical issues.

You can read from start to finish, or jump into a particular chapter that focuses on what you need to know right now.

We think everyone will find the information insightful, whether a seasoned professional in developer relations or just getting started.

As one of our readers said 

Finally...A book that helps us better understand developer marketing.

While another reader described it as 

A must read for every leader in technology driven companies

As the influence of developers continues to grow, we believe that in the near future, most technology companies will need to get up to speed with developer marketing and build departments of people who understand and value developers, in much the same way that IT departments have become standard in most companies today, but 20 years ago this was not the case. Every company will soon be a technology company.

We are so happy that this book has travelled so far and is ready to share its expertise with the DevRel professionals in China, in their native language.

A big thank you to our partners at the Post and Telecommunication Press for undertaking such a big project and bringing to China and Chinese speakers the knowledge and lessons from the Tech industry’s largest professionals and organisations.

About the author

Stathis Georgakopoulos, Product Marketing Manager Always keen to see what’s next in the industry, Stathis is the Marketing Manager for SlashData, setting the table and running the marketing activities. He's our go-to-guy for all things about the podcast and the book “Developer Marketing+Relations: The Essential Guide”.

a visual image showing the cover of the book and saying that it is available in Chinese

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