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59% of developers use AI tools & 25.2M JavaScript users

Writer: Stathis GeorgakopoulosStathis Georgakopoulos

Updated: Oct 29, 2024

The Developer Nation survey

If this is the first time you heard about SlashData, I’m happy to share a few quick words. SlashData is a developer research company. Every quarter, SlashData runs a survey on the globe developer audience, to measure the pulse of the developer ecosystem and how they feel about new technologies, tools, platforms, the support from developer programs and more. Following the closing of the survey, our expert analysts work on identifying key trends and translate raw data into actionable insights that professionals and companies addressing a developer audience can utilise to fine-tune their strategy and address developers’ needs and wants.

The State of Developer Nation reports

SlashData’s Developer Nation survey is the leading research programme on mobile, desktop, industrial IoT, consumer electronics, embedded, third-party app ecosystems, cloud, web, game, AR/VR and machine learning developers, as well as data scientists, tracking developers’ experiences across platforms, technologies, programming languages, app and API categories, revenue models, segments, and regions.

The 26th edition of the Developer Nation survey reached more than 10,000 respondents from 135 countries around the world. 

Now the results are starting to show. SlashData announces the first 2 of the 6-report series that are becoming publicly available to the world, showcasing and diving into key developer trends for Q1 2024 and beyond.

Each report focuses on a specific topic. All reports published under the State of the Developer Nation will be accessible under the freshly launched SlashData Research Space, free to access, view, and download.

Developer Research Report: How developers interact with AI technologies

Has AI taken over the world? Not yet. However, it has achieved to both take over all our discussions about the future and have 59% of developers use AI tools in their development workflows. 

This report investigates the current landscape of developers' work with artificial intelligence (AI) technologies and how this impacts their careers. We start by looking at the ways in which developers work with machine learning (ML)/AI models, tools, APIs, and services and highlight the key differences between professional and amateur developers. 

Following this, we focus on professional developers and explore the correlation between working with AI and self-perceived promotion opportunities at their current jobs. Finally, we take a closer look at the developers who are the most likely to express intent of quitting or changing jobs in the next 12 months.

“59% of developers use AI tools to help them with their work”

To understand the current landscape, we asked developers about the ways in which they work with ML/AI models, tools, APIs, or services. We find that 71% of all developers are actively working with AI in one way or another. workflows, where using chatbots for answers to coding questions (42% of all developers) is the most popular direction. 

a data graphs showing How developers work with ML/AI models, tools, APIs, or services

You can access the full report for free in the SlashData Research Space.

Developer Research Report: Sizing programming language communities 

Which programming language has the biggest language community? It’s been a non-contest for a while for JavaScript, but it’s always fun to see how the community size has changed.

The choice of programming language can greatly influence the roles, projects, and general opportunities that a developer has. Languages are a classic subject of debate and represent the foundation of some of the strongest developer communities. Tracking language use is not just for developers, however; languages and their communities' matter to tool makers too, as they want to ensure they provide the most useful SDKs.

In this report, we provide estimates of the number of software developers using various important programming languages, across the globe and all kinds of programmers. We also explore the effect that coding experience has on the adoption of each language.

“The JavaScript community grew by 4M users in the last 12 months”

Here is a full breakdown of the size of programming languages communities:

a data graph showing size of programming language communities in Q1 2024

See how Rust is out to beat records and how the size of communities has changed over time in the full report.

Developer Research coming soon

As I mentioned before, we have a lot more coming. A combination of deep dives on key topics and free reports for everyone to access.

Here are the reports that will be soon available and will complete the State of Developer Nation series: 

If you are looking to address a tailored question or want to take advantage of our expertise in surveying developers, let’s talk.

Join our live webinar on June 25 to dive in together on how happy are developers with their jobs. Save your spot.

About the author

Stathis Georgakopoulos, Product Marketing Manager

Always keen to see what’s next in the industry, Stathis is the Product Marketing Manager for SlashData, setting the table and running the marketing activities. He's our go-to guy for all things marketing and does not hide his love for content marketing and creating helpful content.

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