About this Report
Application programming interfaces (APIs) have revolutionisedthe way software is created, enabling developers to use readily available solutions instead of spending time and effort building every piece of their application themselves. In this report, we explore the current state of the global landscape of APIs from the developers' perspective. We look at how many developers use APIs and what sets them apart from those who don't. Moreover, we dive deeper into the specific categories of third-party APIs that developers use the most, explore what developers are looking for in APIs, and what challenges they are facing, with a focus on security.
Key Questions Answered
Who uses sustainable software engineering (SSE) approaches?
Where are the global hotspots for SSE?
Which types of SSE approaches are used?
Which SSE principles are utilised by developers of different experience levels and in different regions?
What motivates developers to use different SSE approaches and principles?
How do developers’ motivations influence the types of SSE approaches they utilise?
Which challenges do developers face when implementing SSE approaches?
How do they challenges developers face change with their experience levels?

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The report is based on data collected from over 22,500 developers who answered questions related to the use of APIs in the 24th edition of our Developer Economics survey, which was fielded in Q1 of 2023.