About this Report
In this report we take a look at developers working on edge IIoT projects. We begin by identifying the different types of developers working on edge projects - we also look at the experience levels, professional involvement, and home region of edge specialists. Next, we examine the capabilities of edge projects, and which capabilities are often integrated together. Chapter three takes a step back from the edge and examines where edge developers run their processes, as well as which programming languages are used by developers working on on-device workloads. Finally, we take a closer look at security, looking at which security protocols are used, and how edge developers’ target market affects their security decisions.
Key Questions Answered
How do developers get involved in edge development?
Where are edge developers located?
What types of edge projects are developers working on?
What capabilities do edge projects have?
How do developers’ experience levels affect the capabilities of their edge projects?
Which edge processes are more likely to be centralised, and which are more likely to run on-device?
Which programming languages do edge developers use on devices and gateways?
Which security features do edge IIoT developers implement?
How does edge IIoT developers’ target market affect which security features they implement?

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The data in this report comes from the 26th wave of SlashData’s Developer Nation survey, in which we asked over 300 edge IIoT developers about their experiences working on edge projects.