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Key Questions Answered

  • What are factors associated with developer satisfaction?

  • Are happier developers more productive?

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In Q1 2023, SlashData designed and hosted an online survey on behalf of Sentry, with the principle aim of better understanding developers and their workflows. The survey outreach targeted professional developers who spend at least 20% of their working time writing software and work for a company that has at least one live application. The survey was fielded by SlashData in conjunction with Sentry, and reached more than 1,100 developers across the globe, working for a variety of companies and holding a number of different roles.


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The state of developer happiness

What makes developers happy, the frustrations and challenges they face, and how these factors contribute to productivity.

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About this Report

In this report, we offer insights into what makes developers happy, what frustrations and challenges they face, and how these factors contribute to productivity. In Chapter 1, we present the background of the sampled developers to better contextualise the remaining analysis. In Chapter 2, we focus on developer productivity and happiness. We examine the relationship between happiness and productivity and conclude that happiness in a developer role is associated with greater productivity. Chapter 3 delves into developers’ workflows and examines which aspects they enjoy and dislike. In Chapter 4, we dive into some of the challenges that developers face and offer insights into the root causes of common frustrations.

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