Key Questions Answered
What is the current adoption of DevOps practices?
What is the current adoption of DevOps technologies?
Which industries are most involved in DevOps?
How has the industry’s performance on DORA metrics changed over the last three and a half years?
What is the impact of using multiple DevOps technologies on DORA performance?
What is the impact of CI/CD tools on DORA performance?
What is the impact of using multiple CI/CD tools simultaneously?

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The findings in this report are based on data from SlashData’sprevious eight Developer Nation surveys which reached more than 150,000 respondents worldwide over three and half years, from Q3 2020 to Q1 2024.

About this Report
In this report, commissioned by the Continuous Delivery Foundation (CDF) and authored by SlashData, we explore the current state of the CI/CD developer ecosystem and how this has evolved over the past three and half years. We will look at what proportion of developers are involved in the broader DevOps space and how many work with CI/CD technologies in particular. Moreover, we will see how developers software delivery performance has changed over time. Finally, we will explore how developers’ usage of multiple CI/CD tools contributes to software delivery performance, as well as the impact of utilizing numerous different types of DevOps technologies.