Key Questions Answered
How familiar are developers with distributed cloud services?
How interested are developers in using distributed cloud services?
What benefits are developers interested in gaining from a distributed cloud services?
Which industries have the greatest interest in distributed cloud?
What challenges do developers envision with distributed cloud?
Which standards or services do developers believe they need to see before they would consider using distributed cloud?

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The findings of this report are based on a survey of more than 700 professional developers who deploy, build, or manage services and applications in the cloud, between June and July 2023. These developers come from over 50 countries, and across a wide range of industries.

About this Report
This report, authored by SlashDataand commissioned by Akamai, explores the perceptions of and interest in the current state of distributed cloud. For this report, respondents were provided the following definition of distributed cloud computing: “Distributed cloud computing is the practice of decentralizing cloud resources and services to be physically closer to the data source or user, while still being managed centrally.” Further, this report also examines the advantages developers are most interested in exploring in a distributed and decentralized world, as well as what challenges they expect to face. Developers were also asked to consider the development standards they believe are most important, as well as which technologies they feel need greater development to support their adoption of a more distributed cloud.