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25th edition - State of the Developer Nation

Key Insights from our Q3 2023 survey of 17,000+ developers

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About this Report

The report focuses on six major topics -each with its own visualisations -showing how the data lends insight into the developer community:
1. Language communities - An update
2. Creating a sense of community - How developers interact and engage with their peers
3. How generative AI will shape developers’ future
4. Web3 unveiled - Exploring the diverse landscape of Web3 development projects
5. From code to consumer magic - The software developers behind our everyday electronic devices
6. What are people building in AR/VR?

Key Questions Answered

  • How many developers use each of the mainstream programming languages in Q3 2023?

  • What do developers look for when they join a technology-centric community?

  • How will generative AI shape the future of work, from a developers' perspective?

  • How are developers involved in Web3 projects?

  • Who are the software developers who build applications for consumer electronics devices?

  • What types of projects are AR/VR practitioners building?

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The 25th edition of the Developer Nation global survey ran from June to August 2023 and reached more than 17,000 developers from 154 countries. This research report delves into key developer trends for Q3 2023 and beyond.


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