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Dive into the trends
Developer Ecosystem Insights is a collection of reports, focused on analysing and sharing insights and trends across these development areas: Web apps, Mobile apps, Desktop apps, Cloud / backend services, AR/VR, Games, IoT, ML/AI & Data Science, Embedded software, Apps/extensions for 3rd-party platforms, DevOps and more!
The insights
Developer Ecosystem Insights offer key insights on:
Who and where developers are
How to reach developers
What motivates developers
Developer communities
How they are expected to evolve.
What it answers
SlashData’s Developer Ecosystem Insights offer key insights on:
Developer Language usage and communities
Where developers go for information
What types of content do developers prefer
The landscape of a technology area (ie Blockchain)
Challenges/friction points in a specific technology area (ie Challenges in multi-cloud or Challenges in using 3rd party APIs)
Population sizing