Why trust SlashData for
all your research needs
18+ years of surveying the technology space
Our long experience in speaking to developers, ensures that you will get the promised results. We have 18-years worth of surveys and are the experts on designing, fielding and analysing surveys.
A space to make your own
Discover our research and access market insights in our Research Space. Within it, you can create a personalised space with your favourite reports and dashboards, for you and your whole team.
A powerhouse team of market research experts
Our team of professionals are seasoned experts, well-versed in multiple research types and methods. You will be getting an analysis from the industry's best.
What Competitive Market
Research can do for you
Access and unlock insights from information that is already publicly available through our competitive and B2B market research. Use this information to:
Analyse competitive offerings
Perform a thorough audit of what the industry players are offering. Explore where each competitor leads the way and discover where you stand against them.
Go To Market or Strategy fine-tuning
Collect information on a specific topic, such as “how does a CTO choose a product”. Get all the market information you need to enter a new market or adjust your product or monetisation strategy.
Sales Enablement
Discover opportunities within the market that your sales team can take advantage of and pursue new accounts.
Deep understanding of the landscape
Map and gain a deep understanding of the market landscape. This could work both for a technology or a product area and includes insights on the landscape’s main players (competitive analysis), what they offer, how they engage with users and more.
Support or generate strategic hypotheses
Collect information and generate hypotheses, such as “why product X has a higher user satisfaction score than product Y”. You can use this hypothesis for further testing and evaluate it through primary research, such as a quantitative survey.
Enrich, or target a more niche audience, by combining competitive research with primary research: collecting data first-hand through surveys, or interviews/focus groups.