About this Report
The report is based on data collected from nearly 8,200 self-identified backend services developers in the 24th edition of our Developer Nation survey, which ran between December 2022 and February 2023.
Key Questions Answered
Where do cloud developers go to find information and stay up to date? - How do geographic regions and experience in software development affect the choice of information sources?
Do different technologies and deployment methods have an influence on cloud developers’ choice of information sources?
Which resources do cloud developers use to get quick fixes?
Which resources do cloud developers use to get updates on new technologies?
Which resources do cloud developers use as learning resources?
Does developers’ main goal in backend development influence which learning resources they turn to?
How does age influence cloud developers’ choice of information sources to get updates on new technologies?

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This report aims to help you understand where you should be investing your time and resources in order to effectively reach your target audience, answering questions such as: Which information sources do cloud developers prefer? How do they use these information sources? Where do these developers go to get updates on new technologies? Do they prefer different sources for getting quick fixes and learning? How do factors like experience, region, age, or technology usage influence their preferences?