State of the Developer Nation 23rd edition: the fall of web frameworks, coding languages, blockchain
Using SlashData custom questions to understand AI software developers
How do you measure the success of your developer-facing activities?
DevrelX Summit: Elevating the DevRel community, together
4 lessons from my first 9 months as CEO
77% of all developers are involved in DevOps
Who is using low-code / no-code tools?
China and the rest of East Asia developer market
Using SlashData Deep Dives to boost Developer Experience
State of the Developer Nation: Coding language popularity, China’s developer market, how developers
How Okta is Broadening Their Developer Network with SlashData’s Developer Program Benchmarking
Introducing SlashData’s new CEO
How developers’ support needs change with experience
Google has the leading developer program, but Amazon is catching up
Developer Research 101: The right methodology for reliable survey data
How to engage developers – straight from tech experts’ experiences
Our 7 Core Values: SlashData stripped bare
Hot off the Press: Developers’ needs due to COVID-19, Open Source, Languageds, DevOps and more
How we built a culture of accountability (aka how we treat people as adults)
Fighting COVID-19 with collective industry effort