No, Google is not going 'horizontal' by selling Motorola
The elusive long-tail of mobile shipments
The post-Motorola dilemma: Same old-Google or the new Apple?
The mobile services landscape: Can OEMs compete with platform vendors?
The Android Monopoly and how to harness it
Symbian is dead. Long live Symbian
Smart < feature phones = the unbalanced equation (100 Million Club series)
30 Tablets in Q4 2010: packed train arriving at empty station
Remapping the handset OEM landscape: squeezed in between a rock and a hard place
Mapping the mobile ecosystem: top-20 most connected companies
The many faces of Android fragmentation
Wholesale Applications Community: The Operator Love Affair with Developers
Demolition Derby in Devices: The roller-coaster ride is on
Behind the Smartphone Craze: redrawing the map of mobile platforms
Motorola's AJAR set to follow in Nokia's S60 footsteps