Flappy Bird vs Angry Birds – a tale of Hobbyists and Hunters
Developer Economics: Ecosystem wars drawing to a close
How do developers prioritise platforms? iOS vs Android vs HTML5
The Language of Talking to Developers: The Importance of Outcome-Based Segmentation
[Report] The EU App Economy: 530,000 jobs and rising
The hierarchy of developer needs: Creativeness, not money is the top motivator
[Report] Developer Economics Q3 2013 – State of the Developer Nation
Developer Mindshare Q2 2013: Is HTML5 the 3rd horse in the race?
Developer Economics 2013 – Key Insights
Sneak preview: Developer Economics 2013
Developer Economics 2013: Best practices for app development & marketing
Mobile platform wars: Winners and losers in 2012
Developer Economics 2012 – The new app economy
Developer Economics 2012: The new mobile app economy
Cross-Platform Developer Tools 2012
[Survey] Which are the best cross-platform tools?
[Report] Developer Economics 2011 – Winners and losers in the platform race
[Survey] Developer Economics 2011: The evolution of app development
Developer Economics 2010: The Role of Networks in a Developer World
Mobile Developer Economics 2010: The migration of developer mindshare