About this Report
The aim of this report is to provide an overview of the current state of observability through the eyes of DevOps professionals. We will begin by investigating the adoption of application performance monitoring and observability technologies, and discuss how this is affected by region, company size, and experience levels of the developers. Following this, we will take a deep dive into the most prominent challenges that developers face when setting up and maintaining observability projects.
Key Questions Answered
Which regions are the hotspots for blockchain development?
Which revenue models are used by professional developers involved in blockchain projects?
Where do blockchain developers go to get information about software development?
Which types of content do blockchain developers prefer when solving problems?
Which types of content do developers interested in blockchain prefer when doing research?
Which blockchain platforms are the most popular?
Which blockchain platforms do the most and least experienced developers use?

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This report is based on data collected from over 15,000 professional developers who indicated that they use DevOps technologies in the 23rd edition of our Developer Nation survey, which was fielded in Q3 2022.